Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac
Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac

  1. #Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac mac os x
  2. #Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac movie
  3. #Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac install
  4. #Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac Pc
  5. #Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac psp

I still use my Windows laptop for certain things which it is quite suited for, but my job-required Windows applications are quite nicely served by my Macbook. Fortunately, my Macbook with Parallels allows me to do with one computer what I once had to do with two. Much as I love my Macs, I still have the requirement to use Windows only applications. My household now sports four Macs (two PPC Minis and two Intel Macbooks) and four iPods (one Mini, one Nano, two Videos.) When gift giving time came two first generation shuffles were given to my parents (who love them), and it's quite probable that I might pass down one of the Minis to my parents with the idea that it might convince them to leave the Windows' iron fist. It functioned exactly as his Steveness intended.

#Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac mac os x

When Apple introduced the Mac Mini providing a relatively low cost introduction to Mac OS X I decided to see what this whole Mac thing was all about and got one. However real world needs more often than not dictate that running Windows and its applications in some way in a somewhat primary form is the reality.Īt my job way back 'in the day' I managed to make my primary workstation a Linux machine that ran the Windows applications with VMWare at first, and then Codeweavers' Crossover Office.

bootcamp for more than 30 days mac

I'll chime in with the ageement that the ability for an Intel Mac to run Windows for the occasional need is really what should be the case. Windows is supposed to be the secondary OS on the Intel-based Mac, not the primary OS. What I think DB is trying to say (and I entirely agree with his point of view) is that it makes no sense whatsoever to buy a Mac just so you can run Windows on it. Boot Camp is a big gamble: I guess Apple thought that they would meet Windows on its own turf for a head-to-head combat and gain back some market share with *people like the members* I wrote about above.

#Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac install

it would be easy for them to justify pulling out of Mac development saying "since you can install and run Windows on your Mac, why make a Mac version of our products?" or something similar.Īnd we all know: if there isn't any interesting software out there for the Mac, how can it survive. Especially the big boys: since all is about profits, cutting costs to make forever more, shareholders, etc. Why? Because I am/was afraid of the developer community reaction: not only the shareware, freeware gang but the big boys as well like Adobe and the rest. I am leaning more into accepting it now (I am truly glad when switchers here really put the effort in learning Mac OS X, then really liking it and seeing they can entirely ditch Windows if they want to*) but still am a bit antsy about the whole thing. I am a longtime Mac user and if I can be candid here, I really didn't like this Boot Camp thing when it was announced and the jury is still out on this move as far as I'm concerned. The switcher also has to forget the way Windows works, feels, does things to give Mac OS X an honest chance otherwise the Mac OS X experience will be quite painful, aggravating and a lost cause.

#Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac Pc

Windows is supposed to be the secondary OS on the Intel-based Mac, not the primary OS.Ī PC user who is willing to make the switch should postpone installing Windows on his Intel-based Mac just so he/she really gives himself/herself a chance to learn the new OS instead of reverting back to the learned usage and reflexes of using Windows.

#Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac psp

If they are, you should really get an XBox 360 or PSP III or Wii, or whatever the kids are using these days.Ĭlick to expand.What I think DB is trying to say (and I entirely agree with his point of view) is that it makes no sense whatsoever to buy a Mac just so you can run Windows on it. So really it's the best of both worlds, and quite a bit of some other worlds with a Macbook and Parallels. Got my wife a Macbook too and she doesn't give a about Windows and she's happily doing her 'artsy' type stuff (and internet type things as well) on it wherever she happens to be.

bootcamp for more than 30 days mac

#Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac movie

Web browsing, email, shell programming, photo editing, movie editing, audio editing, CD mastering/printing, instant messaging (VIDEO instant messaging since it comes with a built-in iSight camera very nice), multi-media (DVD's, 'other' movies, iTunes) and the occasional game of UT2004. To do my own stuff within Mac OS X (I got a Mac Mini about two years ago and very recently upgraded to a Macbook for both Intel speed, and Windows compatibility.and portability) I just run everything else in Mac OS X.

bootcamp for more than 30 days mac

I was able to get a fully functional Windows 'machine' working within a 'sandbox' that is able to run all my employer's corporate applications that I need to do my job within hours of setting up the Mac. Now, granted, you won't be able to run the latest EXTREME games but then I don't do that.

bootcamp for more than 30 days mac

That lets you run Windows within a window on Mac OS X. Then do what I do, which is buy a Macbook, and then for $79 more buy Parallels.

Bootcamp for more than 30 days mac